CPA Jury Members continue on their Duties during the 8th Abu Dhabi Film Festival

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Featuring 13 Films from across 17 Countries

CPA Jury Members continue on their Duties during the 8th Abu Dhabi Film Festival

For the second consecutive year, the Child Protection Award is being presented at the Abu Dhabi Film Festival (ADFF). Nominated films are being judged by the Child Protection Award (CPA) jury whose members include jury President Marwan Hamed, an Egyptian film director; Lieutenant Colonel Faisal Mohamed Al Shimmari, the Vice-President of the Ministry of Interior Cinema Awards Committee; Alessandra Priante, an Italian cultural expert; Dr. Heyam Abdulhamid Juma, an Emirati professor; and Nelly Karim, an Egyptian actress.

Commenting on the participating films and their role in raising Arab's conscience on the issue of child protection, Marwan Hamed remarked, "Child protection is not given sufficient attention in the Arab world. It is one of the less talked about issues despite the deep social impact it has. The CPA helps to shed light on the issue." He further added, "I am feeling quite thrilled to collaborate on this with the other jury members. I am confident we will enjoy watching the participating films which contain content of great social and moral value. For this reason, I deeply thank ADFF and the Ministry of Interior for their collaboration in creating such a respectable award."

For his part, Vice-President of the Ministry of Interior's Cinema Awards Committee, Lieutenant Colonel Faisal Mohamed Al Shimmari highlighted the valuable role played by the media and film industry in fulfilling the goals of the award, including the facilitating of a constructive and enterprising cinema industry that raises awareness of social issues, especially regarding child protection. He also stated that, "Providing safety and security for all segments of society is among the Ministry of Interior's top priorities."

Italian cultural expert Alessandra Priante reflected on the Award and also stated, "I'm quite honored to be part of this amazing jury. One of the main reasons for my happiness is, thanks to the Ministry of Interior, there is an award that not only draws attention to the important issues seen in the participating films, but also to the important role played by the film industry itself. Cinema has a way of communicating and bridging gaps with an immediate and very strong power that probably nothing else can compare with. Therefore, I think what we are doing with this Award comes with a huge deal of responsibility because it implies that we are giving recognition to a film, or to a documentary, that is capable of having an impact while reaching out to the international audience. Further we are proving that cinema can have such a role in raising awareness and in being able to really touch the souls of the audience, while also influencing governments, law makers, and international leaders when it comes to taking action." She went on to add, "I also want to take this opportunity to wish everyone involved at the MOI, with this initiative, the best of luck in their future editions."

Dr. Heyam Abdulhamid Juma, an Emirati professor, lauded the MOI's initiative which she noted draws the spotlight on the issue of child protection through a competition that involves first-rate jury members, and combines the expertise of an array of professionals. She further maintained that child protection is currently an international issue and that allocating a film award for this purpose is very fundamental since children are the future and need to be treated well. Juma also remarked, "It is going to be an enjoyable experience watching and evaluating the participating CPA films. I expect that our role as jurors will be very fulfilling as we watch and evaluate the participating films. Great effort is being put into assessing each of the films and we will endeavor to ensure a fair process in selecting the winning entries."

Egyptian actress Nelly Karim also praised the role played by the MOI in raising awareness on issues that impact children and reflected on the important role played by cinema in reaching out to the international audience on such issues. She noted that in dealing with child protection, the 13 films nominated would help raise awareness on the importance of providing shelter and a healthy environment for all children which in-turn would inspire the concerned authorities to take greater action. She added, "The CPA highlights the role played by films as an immediate tool to reach the local and international audiences; raising their awareness towards social issues through reflecting realities. There are several films on children across the world, but in the CPA we are shedding light on children who need protection and safety. I'm sure that each of the participating films will tackle a child-related issue in a unique and different style."

Granted by the UAE MOI, the CPA is being hosted at the ADFF for a second consecutive year. The list of CPA nominees comprises of 13 films from across 17 countries and includes feature films, documentaries and short films. Awards will be granted for the best film and best screenplay that deals with child safety- related topics that raise public awareness on victimized, mistreated or neglected children. A total of 100,000 USD will be awarded to the winning entries.