Out Of Order Vies at Split Film Festival in Croatia

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Making Its First Step in International Film Festivals

Out Of Order Vies at Split Film Festival in Croatia

Out Of Order is kick starting an international festival circuit by taking part at Split Film Festival in Croatia (12 -19 September). Starring Ahmad Al Fishawy and Shereen Reda, the film is contending at the Competition Features.

Split Film Festival specializes in the screening works done in new, creative, personal, experimental, radical, subversive ways of all lengths and genres, and that encouraged the festival to choose Out Of Order to be part of the official competition.

Out of Order is a psychological thriller, which takes its viewers into a new level of unusualness by depicting a dark and twisted relationship between two different people; Saeed (Al Fishawy), a hustler leading a miserable life almost like a tramp, and Hoda (Shereen), a woman living alone and all she does in her life is watching.
Produced by tProductions in collaboration with Crystal Dog of Ahmad Al Fishawy, Out of Order is written by Omar Sami and has been released in Egyptian theatres last February.

In Out of Order, Director Mahmoud Kamel collaborated with Venezuelan/British Cinematographer Arturo Smith, who owns an extensive repertoire having worked in numerous feature films, documentaries and short films. He received several awards from prestigious international film festivals including Berlin International Film Festival, Venice Film Festival, Munich Film Festival, Toronto International Film Festival and other top-notch film events.

Graduated from the High Cinema Institute, Mahmoud Kamel won a scholarship to Italy to study filmmaking and visual effects, finally returning to his homeland, Egypt, where he directed a number of film hits including Mekano, Adrenaline, Adam's Village, Midnight Party and the TV series The Blind Cat.