Ahmad Al Morsy Wins Two Awards from the Australian Cinematographers Society (ACS)

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For His Work in Diamond Dust and Point of Convergence

Ahmad Al Morsy Wins Two Awards from the Australian Cinematographers Society (ACS)

Egyptian DOP Ahmad Al Morsy, CSC has just added two new awards to his resume after the Australian Cinematographers Society (ACS) announced him as the winner of the Silver Award in the Feature Films category for his work in Diamond Dust and the Gold Award in the Documentary Films category for Point of Convergence. This marks Al Morsy's seventh award from the ACS since he joined as a member last year.

Diamond Dust is the third collaboration between Al Morsy and director Marwan Hamed. The film won Al Morsy two Best Cinematography awards at the Egyptian Cinema Film Association Festival and the Cinematic Professions Syndicate, in collaboration with The British University in Egypt (BUE).

Point of Convergence is a documentary filmthatshowcases Egypt's touristic places and different cultures directed by Marwan Hamed and filmed by Al Morsy. Al Morsy also directed the second unit of the film with director Ahmed Rasheed that was filmed by Ahmed Beshary and Taimour Taimour.

These awards bring the total number of awards received by Al Morsy from the Australian Cinematographers Society (ACS) to seven awards in one year. The awards are: the Gold Award in theFeatures - Cinema category, Ross Wood Senior ACS Judges Award for Best Entry, and the Award of Distinction for The Originals, Gold Award in the Commercials - National/ International categoryfor The Ministry of Electricity TV commercial, and the Bronze Award in the Music Videos categoryfor Ann Farh Ghayeb music video by singer Angham, in addition to the Silver Award in the Feature Films category for his work in Diamond Dust and the Gold Award in the Documentary Films category for the documentary film Point of Convergence.

The Australian Cinematographers Society (ACS) is a non-profit organization that was formed in 1958 for the purpose of providing a forum for cinematographers to further develop their skills through mutual co-operation.

Ahmad Al Morsy is a member of the Australian Cinematographers Society (ACS) and the Canadian Society of Cinematographers (CSC). Throughout his career, Al Morsy won 17 awards for his work, including Messages From The Sea (2010), The Party (2013), The Blue Elephant (2014), The Originals (2017), Diamond Dust (2018), and Blue Elephant: Dark Whispers, which is currently in theaters. Blue Elephant: Dark Whispers made more than EGP 102 million in the Egyptian box office so far, becoming the highest-grossing film in the history of Egyptian cinema. Al Morsy is currently shooting the film Al Aref: Awdat Younis by director Ahmad Alaa Aldeeb and preparing for Marwan Hamed's upcoming film Kira & El Gen that marks their fifth collaboration.