release date December 13 2014
Yasmin Raeis Walks Away with the Best Actress Award at theEgyptian National Film Festival
Egyptian star Yasmin Raeis was crowned as the Best Actress Award at the 18th Egyptian National Film Festival for her role in Mohamed Khan's Factory Girl. Contended at the Feature-length Films Competition against 24 Egyptian films produced in 2013 and 2014, the film also received 3 other awards;the First prize for Producer Mohamed Samir, Best Director for Mohamed Khan and Best Script for Wessam Suleiman.

Marking her 3rd award, Raeis has previously received the Best Actress Award at Dubai International Film Festival for her role at Factory Girl, where it landed its world premiere last year.
Additionally, the prominent actress walked away with the Best Actress award at the 4thMalmo Arab Film Festival in Sweden.

In Khan’s Factory Girl, Yasmin embodies the role of Hiyam, a
young factory worker, lives in a lower-middle-class neighborhood, along with her co-workers. She is clearly under the spell of Salah, the factory's new supervisor, who has expressed his admiration for her. She believes love can transcend the class differences between them.However, when a pregnancy test is discovered in the factory premises, her immediate family and close friends accuse her of sinning. Hiyamdecides not to defend herself and pays an enormous price in a society that fails to accept independent women.