release date January 09 2014
Shawati' Magazine Reviews MAD Solutions' Activities and Clientele
As part of a special supplement on Arab filmmaking industry, Shawati' magazine, the Abu Dhabi-based leading cultural institution and soft power innovator of the region, tracked MAD Solutions' activities and contributions in developing Arab film industry, in addition to focusing on some of the company's clients who were considered by the magazine as the most prominent filmmakers in the Arab world.

Titled "In the Beginning there was Film", the article is written by the Huffington Post writer, E. Nina Rothe and shed light on the most prominent and successful filmmakers in the Arab world in general, and in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states in specific.

Shawati' stated that "MAD Solutions offers to help create that much sought-after "new model" of filmmaking, film distribution and film appreciation by helping a new generation of filmmakers and distinct Arab talents." Abdallah Al Shami, Managing Partner and MAD Solutions Representative at the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Bureau in Abu Dhabi, was quoted saying, "in 2010 Alaa Karkouti and Maher Diab envisioned a new dawn for the film industry in the Arab World, for the Arab World, so the concept of MAD Solutions was born".

The supplement referred to the company's expansion in Abu Dhabi, and in New York, where MAD Solutions' representative bureau is run by British Film Consultant Colin Brown.

Shawati' also referred to MAD Solutions' new subsidiaries MAD Content, MAD Marketing, MAD Celebrities, MAD Culture and MAD Distribution, through which the company offers a pioneering approach to everything a film needs, from talent, to industry insiders, to public relations experts, to new means like VOD and plane/cruise distribution, and media coverage.

Covering the projects and experience of Arab pioneer filmmakers, MAD Solutions' clients had the lion's share; the magazine had several interviews with the filmmakers in addition to reviewing their most distinct cinematic activities, such as the new feature A to B, a film which witnessed a great co-operation between major Arab filmmakers including the acclaimed Emirati director Ali Mostafa, with a screenplay written by Egyptian filmmaker and producer Mohamed Hefzy, and co-produced by Lebanese producer Paul Baboudjian and celebrated Saudi producer Mohammed Al Turki with the participation of Abu Dhabi media hub twofour54.

Shawati' also praised the role of Noura Al Kaabi, CEO twofour54, in supporting and funding Emirati films. The magazine also had an interview with Saudi producer Mohammed Al Turki, reviewing his opinions about gulf film industry and his participation in producing both films Ali Mostafa's A to B and Haifaa Al Mansour's Wadjda.

Shawati' magazine is the official independent-voiced cultural and arts quarterly publication published under the patronage of HE Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnoon Al Nahyan and the government of Abu Dhabi. Launched in 2007, the magazine essentially strives to balance between the usage of the two languages -Arabic and English, bridges the gap between different cultures and nations, in addition to presenting to its readers articles written by talented creative minds. The magazine derives its name from the boundless boarders that the word Shawati' (shores) inspires.