release date September 11 2013
Mohamed Hezy Joins the Egyptian Chamber of Cinema Industry
Producer and Scriptwriter Mohamed Hefzy has joined the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Chamber of Cinema Industry. Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour, Minister of Industry and Foreign Trade, has revealed the list of the newly appointed members of the board which included Hefzy's name among other filmmakers.

Hefzy has expressed his pleasure for being a representative of the new independent cinema inside theChamber of Cinema Industry. In an optimistic tone, Hefzy stated that he believes there will be a better chance with a more liberal government, of higher freedom of expression and possibly more funding for independent film production, depending on the economic outlook within the coming year or two, and the first step towards ensuring this goal is to have representatives of independent cinema, be it himself or any other candidate, amidst one of the decision making hubs in the film industry.

The Minister of Industry has issued a ministerial decree appointing four members to the Board of Directors of the chamber. In addition to Mohamed Hefzy, the list included Mohamed Hassan Khafaga, former Director ofMisr for Film Distribution and Theaters, Osama Al Sheikh, former Director of the state-run Radio and Television Union, Producer Mohsen Alam El Din, and actress Laila Elwy.

Mohamed Hefzy will attend the world premiere of his Film Clinic's new production Rags and Tatters at Toronto International Film Festival where the film competes at the Contemporary World Cinema section.

Variety magazine has singled out an article in its issue on July 16th, 2013, focusing on the role played byHefzy's production house, Film Clinic, in maintaining Egyptian filmmaking in the past few years, and shedding light on his future projects that would have a cultural and commercial impact regionally and globally.

Hefzy was recently named one of Screen International's list of Future Leaders: Producers 2013, making him the only Arab on the list that was released during Cannes Film Festival earlier this year.