release date December 12 2022
MATCHSTICK garners widespread acclaim at its premiere in 2nd RSIFF
Salma Murad's MATCHSTICK — which is MAD Solutions' latest Saudi addition to its distribution slate — held its world premiere in the second edition of the Red Sea International Film Festival (RSIFF) on Monday, December 5th and then rescreened on Tuesday, December 6th.
The film was met with great applause and positive reviews after the first two screenings from critics, media figures, and A-list celebrities alike.
The film was critically acclaimed with Saudi critic and novelist Said Al-Sarihi saying that “there is this other side of us that we don't take the time to understand, which can manifest problems in our life out of nowhere.”
“We then realize that the other side we fear is as integral to our whole as the side we show to the world. It is in fact a part of us we must reconcile, because we all hold within ourselves the other side of our own coin. When we try to split ourselves and deny that duality, we set ourselves aflame like a MATCHSTICK,” he added.
MATCHSTICK featured in the New Cinema/New Saudi Section in the ten-day festival being held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, until the 10th.
The film will have a third screening on Friday, December 9th from 8:15 pm to 9:37 pm in VOX Cinema 2.
“I trust Salma and her capabilities of creating more content that reflects our truth, patterns, human choices, and stories, as well as affecting us differently. Salma’s broad perspective, skill set, and manifestation will be a game changer in the near future,” said Noura Alimam – the film’s producer.
Directed and written by Salma Murad, starring Naif Al-Daferi and Nawwaf Al-Daferi and produced by Bayan Jamal and Noura Alimam.
MATCHSTICK (KABREET) follows the story of Osama — a young man caught in a quarrel between his emotions and memory as he tries to find a thread leading to answers. 
He tries to awaken the part of himself that gives him reason, but his reasoning is brutal, maybe even abusive.
MAD Solutions is handling the film’s distribution worldwide.