release date October 17 2017
MAD Solutions Screens Ten Films of Its Distribution at the Days of Cinema in Palestine
Ten films distributed by MAD Solutions are going to be screened at the 4th Days of Cinema in Palestine, organized by FilmLab: Palestine (October 17-23) in different Palestinian cities.

Participating in the Narrative programme is the film Hedi by Mohamed Ben Attia, in the Sunbird Shorts II: Ayny by Ahmad Saleh and The Parrot by Darin J. Sallam and Amjad Al Rasheed, in the International Shorts I programme: Abraham by Ali Kareem Obaid, Ahmad by Ameer Ihsan, Five O'clock by Ayman Al-Shatri, Five Boys and A Wheel by Said Zagha and Nocturne in Black by Jimmy Keyrouz, inthe International Shorts II programme: Submarine by Mounia Akl, andin the Documentary programme: Gaza Surf Club by Philip Gnadt and Mickey Yamine.

Days of Cinema is an annual event organized by FilmLab every October that aims to place Palestine on the map of the International film industry and movie landscape, in addition to promoting local and international films across several venues in different cities within Palestine. The first edition of Days of Cinema was launched in 2014 presenting a unique program of renowned international film screenings for adults and children, along with panel discussions, professional film workshops, specialized programs for children, and networking opportunities.

About Hedi:
Hedi follows Hedi, a young man of few words who doesn't expect much from the future and lets others make his big decisions for him. His mother is preparing his marriage to Khadija, but two days before that; Hedi meets Rim in the city of Mahdia, who captivates him by her free-spirit, and he finds himself obsessed with this new-born passion.

About Ayny:
Based on true events, Ayny follows two young boys who run away from their mother's protection and slack line on the danger of war to play music with the instrument they always dreamt to own.

About The Parrot:
The Parrot tells the story of a Mizrahi Jewish family, who emigrate from Morocco, trying to settle into their new life in Haifa, Palestine in 1948.

About Abraham:
Set against the backdrop of ISIS' imposition of the "jizya" or tax on non-Muslims in its territories, a Christian family devises a plan to protect its only daughter. However, their "perfect" solution might end up having more tragic consequences than intended.

About Ahmad:
Ahmad is confined to home by his father, but when his brother comes back from abroad, Ahmad is encouraged to rise up against his father.

About Five O'Clock:
The film tells the story of a suicidal man who intends to carry out a terrorist attack by blowing himself in the middle of a crowd using an explosive belt, as he believes that non-Muslims are unworthy of life and they deserve to die. Despite being brainwashed, he begins to think, search and wonder if all idiots really deserve to die, and will he be granted eternal life in paradise after doing so?

About Submarine:
Under the imminent threat of Lebanon's garbage crisis, Hala, a wild child inside of a woman is the only one to refuse evacuation, clinging to whatever remains of home.

About Five Boys and A Wheel:
Set in Jordan where a young father has to help his son out of a petty conflict with the neighbors. As the parents of each respective family are summoned to discuss the issue at hand, the discussions begin to quickly spin out of control, putting the values of the father to test.

About Nocturne in Black:
The film is inspired by an article about a Syrian young man who continues to play his piano under threat of persecution in the midst of his country's civil war and struggles to rebuild his piano after it is destroyed by terrorists.

About Gaza Surf Club:
Trapped in "the world's largest open-air prison" and ruled by war, a new generation is drawn to the country's coastline. Sick of occupation and political gridlock, they find their own personal freedom in the waves of the Mediterranean - they are the surfers of Gaza.

Screening Times and Venues of the Filmsat the Days of Cinema inPalestine(GMT+3)

Narrative Programme
Hedi (Followed by a Q&A with the film's cast and crew)
Wednesday, October 18, 7:00 PM at Ramallah Municipality Theatre

Documentary Programme
Gaza Surf Club (Followed by a Q&A with the film's cast and crew)
Thursday, October 19, 6:30 PM at Ramallah Municipality Theatre and Al-hilal, Gaza

International Shorts I Programme
(Five O'clock, Ahmad, Abraham, Nocturne in Black)
Saturday, October 21, 5:00 PM at Khalil Sakakini Cultural Centre, Ramallah
Monday, October 23, 6:00 PM at Dar al-Kalima, Bethlehem

Five Boys and A Wheel
Saturday, October 21, 6:10 PM at Ramallah Municipality Theatre and Al-hilal, Gaza

International Shorts II Programme
Thursday, October 19, 5:10 PM at Khalil Sakakini Cultural Centre, Ramallah

Sunbird Shorts II
Ayny and The Parrot
Friday, October 20, 6:30 PM at Cinema City Nablus
Saturday, October 21, 6:10 PM at Ramallah Municipality and Al-hilal, Gaza