release date August 12 2015
MAD Solutions Joins Europa Distribution
MAD Solutions has joined Europa Distribution association of international independent film distributors, becoming the first Arab member of the association.

Alaa karkouti, CEO of MAD Solutions, highlighted the importance of this step saying, "Joining such an influential association as Europe Distribution is a huge step forward towards the company's aim of establishing strong international presence for Arab cinema. At MAD Solutions, we are very excited to begin our joint activities with the association and its member companies."

Christine Eloy, General Manager of Europa Distribution, stated, "We are very happy to welcome MAD Solutions as a new member. We feel it is great to have now an Egyptian distributor taking part to our activities and workshops so that they can share experience, good practices and processes with their European colleagues, while keeping a close look at EU films."

Europa Distribution is the association of independent film distributors, with more than 140 leading independent distributors representing 28 countries in Europe and beyond. Since its creation, Europa Distribution has accompanied and reinforced the integration and collaboration process between its members through brainstorming and training sessions and information. The network's aim is to strengthen the existing ties to improve the curation, promotion and distribution of independent films around the world.