release date December 18 2014
Film Clinic Backed the Award-Winning Film during Its Development Phase
As a result of Film Clinic's fruitful efforts in supporting Arab film industry and pumping new and fresh blood (ideas) into the filmmaking scene, I Am Nojoom, Age 10 and Divorced film won the Best Muhr Fiction Feature at the 11th Dubai International Film Festival (DIFF). The film has previously earned the Film Clinic award of 10,000 USD for best debut feature project within Dubai Film Connection at the 7th edition of DIFF in 2010.

Directed by Khadija Al-Salami and produced by Sheikha Prohaska-Alatas, I Am Nojoom, Age 10 and Divorced is based on a book by French journalist Delphine Minoui. The 96-minute film follows Nojoom, a 10-year-old Yemeni girl who was forced by her father to marry a 30-year-old man to get her dowry. Spending her days and nights in toiling over the housework under harsh conditions, Nojoom gets raped by a man who is 20 years older than her. She breaks her silence and decides to face the world when she files for divorce.