release date May 12 2017
Director Iman Kamel Wins Iconic Women Award at the Women Economic Forum in India
Director Iman Kamel has received the Award of Iconic Women Creating a Better World for All at the Women Economic Forum (8 May - 13 May) in New Delhi today, May 12th.

The Annual Women Economic Forum (WEF) brings together female leaders from over 100 countries around the world. The events take place throughout the year and across the world as a meeting point for women's unions in a global conference that aims to empower women to expand their business opportunities in freelance or commercial businesses and to increase their global influence leading to changes in all walks of life.

Egyptian filmmaker Iman Kamel holds a Global Master of International Relations degree from The Fletcher School at Tufts University in Boston, USA, and followed interdisciplinary studies in Art, Dance and Filmmaking at Berlin University of Arts. Since 1995, Kamel has directed five short films including Hologram, which received an award from Euromed in 2004. Her debut feature documentary Nomad's Home (2010) received a Special Mention at the Dubai International Film Festival and won the awards for Best Director and Best Cinematography at Cairo's 11th Independent Film Festival.

Her latest film is the documentary Egyptian Jeanne d'Arc, which was nominated for the 2013 Arab-German Film Prize of the Robert Bosch Stiftung Foundation in Germany. The film was presented at pitching and co-production forums such as Africa Produce (Spain), and Amiens Screenplay Development Fund (France). It landed its world premiere within the Muhr Feature Competition at the Dubai International Film Festival.