release date December 06 2021
Busy week for Arab Cinema Center at the first Red Sea International Film Festival

The Arab Cinema Center (ACC) continues its tours of international film festivals, and sets off at the first Edition of Red Sea International Film Festival, with numerous activities that include awards for film projects and discussion panels, as well as the launch of the latest edition of Arab Cinema Magazine.
The Partners of Arab Cinema Center (ACC) in Red Sea International Film Festival (Alphabetical order):
Arab Radio And Television Network - ART (Saudi Arabia), Beirut DC (Lebanon), Cairo International Film Festival (Egypt), Film Clinic (Egypt), Greener Screen (UAE), Iraqi Cinema (Iraq), Lagoonie Film Production (Egypt), MAD Solutions (Egypt, UAE), Malmo Arab Film Festival (SWEDEN), MISR International Films (Egypt), Pan East Media (Jordan), Rotana (Saudi Arabia, Egypt), Rowad Media (KSA), Sudan Film Factory (Sudan), Sudan Independent Film Festival (Sudan), The Imaginarium Films (Jordan), The Royal Film Commission of Jordan (Jordan), Tripoli Film Festival (Lebanon).
Part of the film market activities of the Red Sea SOUK, (ACC) and two partners will present four awards to film projects that joined Red Sea SOUK events. The (ACC) award is an invitation to the producers of one of the projects to join the upcoming edition of the Rotterdam Lab, at Rotterdam International Film Festival.
The Arab Radio and Television Network (ART) will offer distribution rights throughout the Arab world to two projects, the first for USD 50,000 to a Saudi project in development or production phase, and the second worth USD 50,000 to a non-Saudi project in development or production phase.
Moreover, MAD Solutions will provide a distribution grant with a minimum guarantee of USD 50,000 for a project in development, production, or completion in the Arab world.
The extensive discussion sessions with the pros of cinema industry, includes a session titled “Meet with Distributors and Sales Agents,” scheduled for December 9th, with participants Afnan Sarraj (Arab Radio and Television - ART), Jessica Khoury (Film Clinic for independent film distribution), and Ahmed Sobky (Misr International Films). Meanwhile, Elias Khlat (Tripoli Film Festival), Mouhamad Keblawi (Malmö Arab Film Festival), and Chadi Zeneddine (Cairo International Film Festival) will participate in a session titled, “Meet With Film Festivals, Labs & Markets.”
During the Talent Days, MAD celebrity shall have its own stand (Dec. 11-13) where it will showcase its latest activities. Talent Days will also include Talal Afifi (Sudan Film Factory), who will participate in a seminar titled, “Art House and International Cinema,” on December 12 at 2:30 pm.
Among the ACC partners participating in Red Sea Festival seminars is each of Bassam Alasad (Greener Screen) and Jad Abi-Khalil (Beirut DC), who will participate in the “Sustainable Media Production,” symposium on December 9 at 10 am. Concurrently, Abi-Khalil will take part in the symposium “Capacity Building in the Arab World,” which begins at 12 p.m.
Film analyst Alaa Karkouti (Arab Cinema Center - MAD Solutions) will participate in a seminar entitled, “Arab Distribution Panorama,” which will take place on December 10, at 12:30 pm.
As part of the festival's activities, the Arab Cinema Center releases an updated version of the new edition of the Arab Cinema Magazine, which focuses on Arab films in international film festivals. Further, it provides a thorough analysis of the Arab Cinema's status during the last two years.
The Arab Cinema Center (ACC), founded in 2015 by MAD Solutions, is a non-profit organization incorporated in Amsterdam. The ACC also provides networking opportunities with representatives of companies and institutions specialized in co-production and international distribution, among others. The ACC's activities vary between film markets, stands, and pavilions, networking sessions and one-on-one meetings bringing together Arab and foreign filmmakers, welcome parties, as well as meetings with international organizations and festivals, and the issuance of the Arab Cinema Magazine to be distributed at the leading international film festivals and markets.
Furthermore, newsletter subscription is now available on the ACC's website, allowing users to obtain digital copies of the Arab Cinema Magazine, as well as news on the ACC's activities, notifications of application dates for grants, festivals and offers from educational and training institutions, updates on Arab films participating at festivals, exclusive news on the Arab Cinema LAB, and highlights from the ACC's partners and their future projects.
The Arab Cinema Center has launched the Arab Cinema Directory in English on its website, which is a comprehensive cinema directory based on a collection of tools that are being provided together for the first time, with the goal of providing knowledge on Arab cinema to filmmakers both inside and outside the Arab world, as well as allowing access to Arab filmmakers and cinematographers. It also makes it easier for representatives of the world film business to recognise Arab cinema projects.