release date September 18 2018
MAD Solutions Signs a Partnership with Ishbilia Theatre and Art Cinema House in Lebanon
MAD Solutions announced the signing of a new partnership with Ishbilia Theatre and Art Cinema House
in Saida, South Lebanon to screen ten films from MAD's list starting October 2018 to January 2019. The center is has reopened its doors on 14 September, after a ten-year hiatus.

Hiba Zibawi, Director of Ishbilia Theatre and Art Cinema House comments, "Ishbilia Theatre and Art Cinema House was founded in 1979 in Saida, South Lebanon. Today, after 10 years, we are back to decentralize the art scene in South Lebanon. Our mission is to support independent Arab artists and filmmakers and promote their work. We are happy to partner with MAD Solutions to achieve our mission and incite the public in Saida and South Lebanon to discover different genres and tendencies with an interest in alternative films."

Ishbilia Theatre and Art Cinema House is the first independent art house in the city of Saida, South Lebanon. Ishbilia Theatre and Art Cinema House is interested in presenting different styles of contemporary art and showcasing the diversity of its forms.