release date October 30 2019
Fatum Wins Young Audience Award at Montpellier International Festival of Mediterranean Film (CINEMED)
Director Mohamed Ali Nahdi's Tunisian short film, Fatum, won the Young Audience Award at the Montpellier International Festival of Mediterranean Film (CINEMED) in France, which closedlast Saturday. Recently, MAD Solutions hasacquired the film's distribution rights.

The film follows Nejib, a Tunisian painter in his thirties, who spends most of his time painting in his studio. Back home after days of absence, he finds a surprise at home awaiting him. The film is written, directed and starring Mohamed Ali Nahdi, and co-stars Zohra Chtioui and Moncef Agegmi. Fatum is co-produced by Zenith Production (Mohamed Ali Nahdi)and SVP (Omar Ben Ali). MAD Solutions handles the film's distribution and marketing.

Tunisian actor and director Mohamed Ali Nahdi started his acting career at the age of 15. After several participations in many TV series and films, Nahdi moved to France to study Film Editing at the Conservatoire Libre du Cinéma Français (CLCF). Back home after three years, he worked as an editor, assistant director and actor in several Tunisian and foreign films, including Black Gold, starring Hollywood actor Antonio Banderas.

Nahdi made his debut short film The Project in 2008. The filmwas selected at many film festivals, including the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival in France. Afterwards, he directed two other short films. Lately, he completed his TV directorial debut, Black Box. Fatum is his most recent film.